By Fatima Siddiqi
Let's face it; mobile phones are here to stay. We use them everyday to interact with loved ones, friends, and co-workers with for various reasons. Ten years ago you may have found several people who didn't carry a cell phone, but today it has become a necessity. The truth of the matter is we can't leave home without them. This is thanks to the capabilities of web browsing, watching videos, and seeing photos over your phone, which at one point in time was obsolete. It basically comes down to us trying to keep up with the technology that evolves almost everyday. It's great fun, but behind the scenes, we are discovering that mobile phones can be harmful to your health.
Some people just shrug their shoulders and could not really care less if it really does harm our health as long as it is useful and convenient. For the few who are worried about the possible side effects these mobile devices can cause, they are battling out the real facts of this question. Several researches have been done over this matter by various scientists all over the world. They have scientific data which can prove that these devices can be harmful to one's health.
You may have read that mobile phones have built-in antennas. These basically give the phone a way to pick up your voice and change it to radio waves in order to send a messages over the phone. It's the same way a microwave works to heat up that food of yours. So in essence, you're frying your brain every time you pick up the phone and use it. This being said it's important to do what you can to counteract the problem. One simple solution is to use a headset that will lessen the risk of radio frequency exposure. Since the mobile phone will be farther away, it can definitely be a big help.
While this is a serious problem evolving, there are others out there that people don't seem to think about. A great example is when you find someone talking on the phone while they are driving. Whether you're trying to send a text, check your Face book messages, or just dial a number, all these can distract you from the task at hand. They are risks that do not need to be taken, but due to our own fascinations they are hard to resist. If this wasn't enough, mobile phones can also jeopardize equipment that you find in places like hospitals and airplanes.
These mobile phones are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission for phones that control the rate of energy absorbed by the brain. These signs are found in the packaging of most new phones causing less harm to the users. The FDA and Cellular Telecommunications and & Internet Association has done continuous research over the safety of mobile phones. Several laboratory studies are being conducted for them to be able to find more ways to stop this possible health risk.
Unfortunately we cannot imagine being without a cell phone. It has become a necessity in most people's lives because it allows easier access to several different forms of communication. The good news is they will continue to be a part of our daily lives, so it's important for the big boys to constantly look for new ways to keep us safe. In the meantime there isn't a mobile phone out there that isn't harmful. So take the precautions necessary to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Some people just shrug their shoulders and could not really care less if it really does harm our health as long as it is useful and convenient. For the few who are worried about the possible side effects these mobile devices can cause, they are battling out the real facts of this question. Several researches have been done over this matter by various scientists all over the world. They have scientific data which can prove that these devices can be harmful to one's health.
You may have read that mobile phones have built-in antennas. These basically give the phone a way to pick up your voice and change it to radio waves in order to send a messages over the phone. It's the same way a microwave works to heat up that food of yours. So in essence, you're frying your brain every time you pick up the phone and use it. This being said it's important to do what you can to counteract the problem. One simple solution is to use a headset that will lessen the risk of radio frequency exposure. Since the mobile phone will be farther away, it can definitely be a big help.
While this is a serious problem evolving, there are others out there that people don't seem to think about. A great example is when you find someone talking on the phone while they are driving. Whether you're trying to send a text, check your Face book messages, or just dial a number, all these can distract you from the task at hand. They are risks that do not need to be taken, but due to our own fascinations they are hard to resist. If this wasn't enough, mobile phones can also jeopardize equipment that you find in places like hospitals and airplanes.
These mobile phones are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission for phones that control the rate of energy absorbed by the brain. These signs are found in the packaging of most new phones causing less harm to the users. The FDA and Cellular Telecommunications and & Internet Association has done continuous research over the safety of mobile phones. Several laboratory studies are being conducted for them to be able to find more ways to stop this possible health risk.
Unfortunately we cannot imagine being without a cell phone. It has become a necessity in most people's lives because it allows easier access to several different forms of communication. The good news is they will continue to be a part of our daily lives, so it's important for the big boys to constantly look for new ways to keep us safe. In the meantime there isn't a mobile phone out there that isn't harmful. So take the precautions necessary to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
About the Author:
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