By Dan Goldberg
I guess this has happens to every Xbox owner one day. You want to play your favorite game and are stopped by a lost discs, broken discs or disc read error. If it did not happen to you so far: Congratulations, but you will be confronted with one of these messages one day for sure. In case this happens every Xbox enthusiast wished he had created a backup copy of his Xbox game.
A lot of gamers have a huge library of Xbox games that would cost hundreds or even thousand of dollars to be replaced. Some o fthese copies might even be more valuable, because they are rare or hard to find games. However, there is a way to copy Xbox games. In this way you make sure that there is always a backup copy in case one of the baove problems occurs.
There are many ways to copy Xbox games, but they all require a lot of time and effort on the part of the gamer. The biggest stumbling block when copying Xbox games involves copyright protection. Copyright protection measures prevent gamers from making copies of Xbox games through the normal method of burning a CD or DVD.
The protection measures prevent standard disc burning software from making a proper copy of the game, leaving the gamer to look for a way to bypass the protection measures. In addition, most if not all consoles also require special discs that are recognized by the console's internal software as being legitimate original games. The internal software basically distinguishes the special discs from regular CDs and DVDs burned in the same manner as music discs. In order to have regular discs be recognized in the same manner as their special counterparts, special software has to be used to burn the discs.
Another thing you need to do to get copied Xbox games to play properly on your console is modifying your Xbox. However, modifying your console is not that difficult. It is either done by installing a special chip inside the console or by flashing the original BIOS with modified software. The software flash results in the console disregarding the regular copyright protection check. In this way the Xbox system cannot determine if you inserted an original disc or a copied disc.
There is also downloadable software that can be found on the internet, most claiming to create exact copies of Xbox games, along with the ability to burn these games directly on regular CDs and DVDs. Other measures of how to copy Xbox games include directly copying the games on either external hard drives or the hard drives found within their consoles.
Of course there needs to be enough space left on your harddrive to store the games. And one thing you should never forget: Do not sell copeid games for profit! This will result in huge fines and penalties!
A lot of gamers have a huge library of Xbox games that would cost hundreds or even thousand of dollars to be replaced. Some o fthese copies might even be more valuable, because they are rare or hard to find games. However, there is a way to copy Xbox games. In this way you make sure that there is always a backup copy in case one of the baove problems occurs.
There are many ways to copy Xbox games, but they all require a lot of time and effort on the part of the gamer. The biggest stumbling block when copying Xbox games involves copyright protection. Copyright protection measures prevent gamers from making copies of Xbox games through the normal method of burning a CD or DVD.
The protection measures prevent standard disc burning software from making a proper copy of the game, leaving the gamer to look for a way to bypass the protection measures. In addition, most if not all consoles also require special discs that are recognized by the console's internal software as being legitimate original games. The internal software basically distinguishes the special discs from regular CDs and DVDs burned in the same manner as music discs. In order to have regular discs be recognized in the same manner as their special counterparts, special software has to be used to burn the discs.
Another thing you need to do to get copied Xbox games to play properly on your console is modifying your Xbox. However, modifying your console is not that difficult. It is either done by installing a special chip inside the console or by flashing the original BIOS with modified software. The software flash results in the console disregarding the regular copyright protection check. In this way the Xbox system cannot determine if you inserted an original disc or a copied disc.
There is also downloadable software that can be found on the internet, most claiming to create exact copies of Xbox games, along with the ability to burn these games directly on regular CDs and DVDs. Other measures of how to copy Xbox games include directly copying the games on either external hard drives or the hard drives found within their consoles.
Of course there needs to be enough space left on your harddrive to store the games. And one thing you should never forget: Do not sell copeid games for profit! This will result in huge fines and penalties!
About the Author:
To download the best Xbox copy software visit my website at: How To Copy Xbox Games
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