By Jason Donovan

For a small business, losing the data stored on the servers or in the computers of your employees may equal a real disaster. Large companies usually have a backup policy in place, but most of the times, small companies don't. Unfortunately, this is why sometimes they have to face important losses of information which may cost them the whole business. This is what data recovery services are for.

How does the information disappear from a computer? The causes may vary from simple human error, like deleting files and emptying the Recycle Bin before realizing what you are doing, to natural damages like floods.

Should your drive fail to operate or emit peculiar noises, the first step is to shut down the system. The second step is to contact a data recover service company. You can find a lot of such companies by doing a simple search on the internet. They can retrieve almost any kind of data, so you're safe.

If you are not a computer professional, do not attempt to retrieve your data by downloading software from the internet and making it run on your drive. The situation may worsen if you don't know what you are doing there.

Data loss is very frequent in all kinds of magnetic storage devices, from CDs to DVDs, USB drives or even memory cards. This is why backups need to be done and safe copies of every such drive must be kept and refreshed from time to time.

If your computer's hard disk makes an unusual noise in operation, this may be a sign that it will soon crash. A hardware recovery cannot be done at home, so you'll need to go to a disaster recovery company. They work in clean rooms, which are protected from dust or other particles that may cause definitive damage to a hard drive.

Crashed RAID disks can be retrieved, but no service would guarantee you complete success. In order for a RAID recovery to succeed, it is necessary that all the servers in the array are accessible.

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