By Mike Prull

Lightyear's partnership with Verizon is the first of its kind. It's NOT an MVNO deal. The original MVNO's contracted directly with Verizon Wireless. Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC, provides voice, data, and video telecommunications services to small and medium sized businesses and residential customers through a network of 3,300 independent agents and representatives throughout the United States. CEO Sherman Henderson has been named one of the top 25 Most Influential People in Telecommunications and has been elected for six consecutive terms as Chairman of COMPTEL, the leading industry association representing communication service providers.In delivering its services, Lightyear partners with major carriers and telecommunications companies such as Verizon.

Learn how to have your own online wireless and cellular business, completely stocked with the latest Blackberry and Motorola phones. More importantly learn how you will earn residual income off of the wireless phone bills of what could be thousands and thousands of customers using the largest and most recognized wireless network in the world, and you gave them the phone for free.

In today's economic climate with unemployment closing on 10%, LightYear wireless is exploding with opportunity. LightYear Wireless a $100,000,000 company has partnered with Verizon Wireless an $84,000,000,000 Company to Change the way cell phones and plans are sold throughout the USA and soon the world. What side of the equation are you on? Are you paying the wireless companies or are they paying you??? It may be time to be on the revenue side

Come see how LightYear is changing the wireless Market Place. Have you ever wondered how you can get TRUE residual income, something you sell once and with out thought or effort people will continue to use month after month after month. Well LightYear has just the plan. Let us Show you a real Wireless Revolution!!

Lightyear Wireless proves to be a legitimate opportunity in which anyone who is motivated and a true hard working individual can reach a level of success that no normal person would ever reach. Lightyear Partnering with No. 2 Verizon who currently has 67 million subscribers according to USA today

Verizon has plans to potentially purchase Alltel giving them an additional 13 million subscribers. That would make Verizon the No.1 wireless provider in the country surpassing AT&T. This gives Lightyear Alliance an opportunity to become a market leader with the relationship marketing model. In addition to voice plans, wholesale clients can offer text-messaging plans with a choice of designated message allowances per month to end-users that have also purchased wireless voice service.

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