By Richard Eberhard

In the world of GPS systems, it seems there is no such thing as too small or too fast. GPS units are changing so quickly these days, each unit getting smaller and faster. It seems consumers demand increasingly smaller and faster global positioning units.

There is no longer an excuse for running out of gas and being late for a meeting due to that. Use your auto GPS unit to find the nearest gas station wherever you are. Find yourself in an unexpected traffic jam? These systems are excellent at routing you around the mess and getting you back on your way to your destination.

Day-long work seminars out of town have got to be one of managements pet peeves. A GPS unit can take some of the stress out of those situations. You can use your GPS to find the coffee shop you prefer, or the restaurant you want, and stay self sufficient. It is great to not be late for any part of the day and not have to ask everyone for directions. You can almost feel like a local as you travel around an unfamiliar destination.

Outdoor sports have greatly benefited from the availability of affordable hand held GPS units. An entire new sport has been created, check out geocache. Hiking and camping are both safer now as outdoor explorers can find their way back to their base camp or a shelter. Hand held GPS units are getting cheaper and cheaper, and are also getting more and more features. More hikers are able to afford these units.

There seems to be no end to the consumer application of GPS technology to gadgets. Some people seem to be addicted to gadgets and so they are collecting all kinds of GPS electronics gadgets and systems. If you have thought of a new use for GPS, an engineer is most likely already drawing out the plans. GPS applications just continue to expand.

Consumers had been waiting a long time for the development of the cellular-internet-gps combination unit, and the iPod G3 fit the bill. All consumer electronic units which combine GPS with any other gadget are outselling their individual counterparts. Wonder what is in store for combo units?

The entire sport of fishing has changed due to Fish Finders. Fish finders are increasing in popularity. These units use sonar signals to locate fish under or next to a boat. And of course you can get the GPS coordinates of your location to remember that great new spot for next time.

Golf is another outdoor sport that has been changed by GPS. Using GPS for range finding is altering how the sport is played. These are still quite controversial, but many golfers love them. I wonder if they aren't going to get too dependent on these units?

The GPS Revolution is here! What are you waiting for?

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